Thursday, October 31, 2019

Public health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 12

Public health - Essay Example It would monitor continuously by setting measurable goals at all levels of national, state and local bodies. Its mission is also to incorporate the help of various government and non-government agencies for inputs to improve its policies and practices. It would also encourage research and data collection to improve and innovate healthcare deliverables. Healthy People 2010 had mainly focused on eliminating disparities in healthcare delivery and improvement of health of all its citizens irrespective of race, class, culture and color. Vulnerable segment had become vital area of focus. The program’s major objective was to increase quality of life along with increased life expectancy. The risk reductions and creating awareness for preventive measures was critical aspect of the program. It was also a collaborative effort with focus on research and development in the area. Healthy People 2020, on the other hand, emphasizes elimination of disparities in healthcare deliverable by improving social and physical environment and promote equity and health for all people. Promoting healthy behavior and lifestyle changes are important aspects of the program that are thought to be critical ingredient for improving quality of life in old age. (words:

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Political Theory of Alexander Hamilton and Its Reflection in American Political System Essay Example for Free

The Political Theory of Alexander Hamilton and Its Reflection in American Political System Essay Alexander Hamilton was one of those political thinkers whose theory shaped the political profile of the young American nation. A theoretician of republicanism, author of about a half of the Federalist papers, signatory of the Constitution, friend of Washington and somehow an aristocratic idealist, Hamilton left a legacy, which continues to influence America until now. This legacy can be found in Hamilton’s works on political philosophy and state building. In turn, these works were written not only by a Founding Father, but by a man, thus every piece of Hamilton’s political writing is deeply personal, reflecting not only abstract mediations, but practical experience. In this paper, I will attempt to analyze certain Hamilton’s ideas to prove that his theory had a strong relation to drafting, adoption, application and interpretation of the basic American constitutional instruments. In this theory, Hamilton managed to reconcile such controversial matters as liberalism, aristocratism, democratic values and political centralism. This complex theory became a practice of American government and American people. Accordingly, America is still affected by Hamilton’s individual reflections, insights and mistakes. Review of Literature on the Subject Hamilton’s personality and Hamilton’s political views have attracted scholars ever since 1800-s, this, for the purposes of this paper I will review only certain landmark works presenting various approaches to the subject. An example of Hamilton’s comprehensive biography is â€Å"Alexander Hamilton† (2004) by Ron Chernow. This book presents a classical view of Hamilton as a national hero and a founding father. Another classical approach is demonstrated in â€Å"Alexander Hamilton and the Idea of Republican Government† (1970) by Gerald Stourzh. The book offers an image of Hamilton as a patriot of the Republic and influential theoretic of centralized government. Another approach to research on Hamilton’s heritage is presented in classical â€Å"Alexander Hamilton† by Henry Jones Ford first published in 1900. The book presents Hamilton as occasional figure torn by inner controversies, admirer of Britain and a latent monarchist. A contemporary view of a famous conflict inside the federalist movement, including conflict between Hamilton and Jefferson is available in â€Å"Burr, Hamilton, and Jefferson: A Study in Character† (2000) by Roger G. Kennedy. Hamilton’s view of human nature Even the most perfect political system would not work in case it contradicts human nature. A government and a people consists of individuals sharing all virtues and weaknesses peculiar to human species. Thus, Hamilton’s starting point was understanding of human nature, including nature of those men who are vested with authority. As put by Hamilton himself, principles of human nature â€Å"are as infallible as any mathematical calculations† (Stourzh 76). Rosano argues that Hamilton’s â€Å"predominately and radically liberal conception of human nature is based on Locke’s concept of liberty, Hobbes’s concept of power, and Machiavelli’s concept of the â€Å"effectual truth. † (Rosano 61). This rather tricky combination was a result of Hamilton’s controversial views formed by demonstrative superficial idealism and deep inner skepticism. This controversy, probably, has never been resolved by Hamilton himself. His nature was profoundly aristocratic, what he proved by his duel with Burr. Hamilton chose to die as a nobleman in spite of submitting a dispute for judicial consideration as a profound democrat would do. On the other hand, Hamilton admired the ideas of European Enlightenment with their call to democracy and self-government. Perhaps, Hamilton would be happy to see a free community of noble individuals without vices; however, he realized that such vision is practically impossible. This antilogy made Hamilton skeptical about human nature itself. He pessimistically noted that, â€Å"A vast majority of mankind is entirely biased by motives of self-interest† (Stourzh 78). Later Hamilton claimed such views openly when he wrote of â€Å"deductions for the ordinary depravity of human nature† (Federalist No 78). These Hamilton’s position corresponds to Hobbes’s concept of corrupted human nature which has to be oppressed by the government in order to preserve peace and stability (Stourzh 73). Surprisingly, Hamilton simultaneously managed to admire the theory of Hobbes’s eternal opponent Locke, who worshiped the natural state of man as a supreme value. To what extent has Hobbes advocated power, to the same extent had Locke strived for recognition of human rights. Hamilton shared the ideas of the latter when he wrote: â€Å"The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among old parchments or musty records. They are written, as with a sunbeam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power† (Stourzh 14). According to Hamilton, implications like love, liberty, desire of happiness, and public good are deeply rooted in every heart (Rosano, 63). This makes a contrast to his early writings of human corruption. It appears that Hamilton suffered from mismatch between that what he wanted to see and that what he actually saw. This should be taken into account when analyzing Hamilton’s political heritage. For him the government was an instrument for bettering human nature and prevention of its corrupted manifestations. Deep understanding of Hamilton’s political theory is impossible without consideration of this peculiarity. Hamilton’s Political Theory Theoretical views on politics shared by Hamilton are best reflected in the Federalist papers, about a half of which were authored by Hamilton personally. Seemingly, there is no crucial issue which Hamilton would not touch, yet his primary concerns were necessity of Consitution, separation of authority between the federal government and the states, powers of the central government, as well as issues concerning national bank, national debt, national armed forces and navy. Hamilton venerates the people as a source of national will, yet this will has to be presented by someone, and this â€Å"someone† is likely to be corrupted. Hamilton’s response was a system of direct ties between the people and the central government, which would not be interrupted by intermediaries in the person of local authorities. In his letter to governor Morris Hamilton wrote: â€Å"it has ever appeared to me as sound principle to let the federal government rest, as much as possible, on the shoulders of the people, and as little as possible on those of the State Legislatures† (Chernow 774). This view caused Kapstein to assert that â€Å"No other American statesman has personified national power and the rule of the favored few so well as Hamilton† (Kapstein 36). And indeed, in his most influential theoretical work reflected in the Federalist papers Hamilton speaks as an advocate of a stronger union between states which is likely to secure rights of the people inside this state. According to his idea, a slimsy confederation of half-independent states is likely to sink in inner conflicts, thus making the rights of the people insecure and the entire union vulnerable to foreign invasions. To justify this view Hamilton once more referred to the corrupted human nature by observing that â€Å"to presume a want of motives for such contests as an argument against their existence, would be to forget that men are ambitious, vindictive, and rapacious† (Federalist No 6). Envy, national conflicts, territorial disputes, apportionment of national debt, senseless scholastic debates, disputes upon private contracts: all this, According to Hamilton, is likely to ruin a Union (Federalist No 7). Thus, the Confederation appeared to be insufficient to preserve the union. Powers of states had to be strongly limited for the common good. Central government could impose such limitations only. Hamilton’s idea of the central government is quite authoritarian, causing allegations of monarchism and betrayal of ideals of freedom. Hamilton’s views on this subject were strongly affected by his personal experience during the Revolutionary war. The work of a procurement officer performed by Hamilton during the war was not heroic but very necessary. During this period Hamilton desperately fought against Congress’s foot dragging in every matter of supplying the army (Kennedy 36). This pretty logical idea has been reflected in the Constitution and the American Bill of Rights, although there are at least two basic problems with it. Firstly, elimination of state authorities with aim to reduce the influence of human corrupted nature is a two-edged sword. The problem is simply raised from the state level to the federal level. A federal government controlled by unworthy people was probably Hamilton’s nightmare, especially in a situation when the states have no considerable opportunities to oppose the corrupted central government. The second problem is in delegation of powers. Mutual consent may be a good theory; however, it is never practically achievable. Thus, there exists a notable problem of defining those powers which have to be delegated to the central government and which should not. One more criticism of Hamilton’s theory came from his opponents like Jefferson. A strong central power will have a strong army and police to enforce its decisions and protect the union. These institutions are likely to be used by the central government to expand its powers against defenseless states (Stourzh 198). As regards matters of finance and taxation Hamilton, surely, advocated centralized taxation and centralized banking system based on national debt. According to Hamilton, this would enable to centralize and effectively apply the resources of a nation (Federalist No 30). Yet this idea, as understood by Hamilton himself, would bring about the issue of inequality, since those who borrow assets to the central government would tower over the rest of the people (Kapstein 37). Some response was provided by Hamilton when he wrote that â€Å"The loans it might be able to procure would be as limited in their extent as burdensome in their conditions. They would be made upon the same principles that usurers commonly lend to bankrupt and fraudulent debtors, with a sparing hand and at enormous premiums† (Federalist No 30), however, it appears that Hamilton simply tried to escape the problem. As a Secretary of the Treasury, he obviously realized the need for centralization of assets through banking and taxations system, however, as a freedom idealist, he could not have avoided the view of national indebtedness as a burden imposed on every free person. Current situation with national debt demonstrates that Hamilton simply chose the bad from between bad and worse. Centralized financial and taxation system did enable to preserve the Union in hard times, however, currently America faces the negative consequences of such preservation. This is Hamilton’s theory where the roots of the present situation are found. In his conclusive remarks to the Federalist Papers Hamilton notes that â€Å"there would appear still to remain for discussion two points: the analogy of the proposed government to your own State constitution, and the additional security which its adoption will afford to republican government, to liberty, and to property. But these heads have been so fully anticipated†¦that it would now scarcely be possible to do anything more than repeat† (Federalist No 85). However, American national history proves that these crucial issues were far from explained both in the time of Hamilton and in the following decades. Hamilton has not offered a universal solution; he simply suggested one of the possible models which, as any models, had its strong and weak points. Perhaps the USA survived thanks to these strong points. However, this does not mean that the weak points never revealed themselves. Practical Application of Hamilton’s Theory The most notable practical application of Hamilton’s political teaching is the Constitution of the United States of America, whose most furious advocate Hamilton was. The Constitution follows a model for division of powers proposed by Hamilton, including a single legislative body consisting of representatives of the people, a unified executive system, unified judiciary. Exclusive right of the central power to solve the issues of taxation and public debt. In accordance with Hamilton’s idea, the Congress has a militia under its command. Thus, Hamilton’s political model was eventually reflected in the organic law of America. Application of this organic law appeared to be more complicated. Not less important than the adoption of the Constitution were sharp debates about its application in the late 18th and early 19th century. Perhaps the most controversial issue around these debates was Hamilton’s doctrine of implied powers, contrasting Jefferson’s idea of strict interpretation of the Constitution (Kapstein 37). The doctrine of implied powers began to flourish already after Hamilton’s death in the judgments of John Marshall, Hamilton’s confederate, who served as Chief Justice. Centralization of American government was completed after several rulings rendered by Marshall in such landmark cases as Marbury vs. Madison (1804) and McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) and Cohens v. Virginia (1821). At that, the Constitution shaped by Hamilton was used as a mighty tool for centralization. In Marbury vs. Madison Marshall determined that the judicial power of the United States is extended to all cases arising under the Constitution. To support this Marshall created a pretty logical construction pointing out that as long as the Constitution is a supreme law, the Supreme Court is empowered to review all cases where the Constitution is concerned. This was the first application of Hamiltons implied powers doctrine, but far not the last. Another direct reference to the doctrine was the Supreme Court judgment in McCulloch v. Maryland, where Chief Justice Marshall put a period to application of Hamilton’s idea of centralized power and centralized banking. By determining that the Constitution grants to Congress implied powers for implementing the Constitutions express powers, in order to create a functional national government and that the State action may not impede valid constitutional exercises of power by the Federal government (Smith, 89) the Supreme Court made the states entirely dependent on the central government in every matter related to the Constitution. Deserves noting that by referring to implied powers Marshall laid grounds not only for application of Hamilton’s political heritage, but for subsequent violations of Constitutional rights. Thus, just few years after Marshall’s death, his theory proved to be a double-edged sword. Conclusions Rosano fatefully observes that Americans are happy and â€Å"the founders are celebrated because they had the chance to prove their virtue; they were virtuous because they loved liberty and the public good as well as fame† (Rosano 72). This passage is very much applicable to Hamilton. A revolutionary hero and a prominent author, he presents a perfect set of virtues admired in America. It is hard to find another figure which would be so momentous for America as Hamilton was, perhaps with exception only for Washington. However, being a momentous figure, Hamilton gave America not only liberty and virtues, but a sense of helplessness against central government, as well as long-lasting problems such as national debt. The controversies of Hamilton’s theory made American political system controversial. Numerous attempts to fix this by subsequent amendments and court decisions prove that Hamilton’s model is viable, but far from ideal.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Reviewing the American Constitution

Reviewing the American Constitution Ignacio J. Blanco Eminent Domain The development and freedom of a society and its individuals depend to a large extent on the content and protection of property rights. In practically all the legal systems the indemnification to the individuals is consecrated in the event that the State deprives them of their property through an act of expropriation. Being one of the first to recognize such a guarantee, the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution prohibits the State from expropriating property for public use, without payment of fair compensation to its owner. The application of such requirement is relatively easy to enforce when the government formally exercises deprivation of property to a private individual, especially when dealing with real estate. The question in this matter is: when should a particular sector of the population bear the cost of a regulation whose benefits are taken advantage by society as a whole? In outlining the concept of eminent domain regulation, a convenient point of departure tu rns out to be the examination of the next argument: the right of the State to exercise eminent domain. When the government needs a certain private property for public use, it should clearly state its intention assessing the specific property, and then paying the former owner a fair compensation. Usually, the main issue in the governments use of eminent domain is what constitutes fair compensation. Eminent domain is defined as: the power that the government has to expropriate a private land for public use (U.S Fifth Amendment). This power is limited by the Federal Constitution as well as State Constitutions when the government takes a private property for common use, it must properly indemnify the owner for the alienation (U.S. Fifth Amendment). Sometimes the exercise of eminent domain consists of a simple process, in which the government grants the owner a fair price and this will result in the appropriation of the property for common use. On other occasions, the government and the owner may disagree as to whether an expropriation needs to occur and what the amount of compensation should be. In these types of cases a legal procedure will be necessary to certify the legitimacy of the expropriation and establish a fair price for the property. The Fifth Amendment expropriation clause protects the owner and assures that he or she will receive appropriate compensation. This clause has three significant components: the first component states that eminent domain should only be applied to private property. Due to this fact, if the government decides to modify the purpose of some public land, for example, to build an office building or a homeless shelter in what used to be a public park, this action will not require government to compensate citizens who used the park. The second requirement is that the land should only be expropriated for common use. This limitation prevents government officials from taking private property for personal use. In this case, this requirement will protect citizens from government officials that might try to get any personal gains from taking private property. Lastly, The Fifth Amendment requires fair compensation. Usually, fair compensation is determined by the market value of the property, in other words. the price at which the owner could have expected to sell the property. It is important to know that the value of the property should be set considering many factors. These factors include: the size of the land and the buildings, the location of the property, the access to utilities and public services, resources present on the property, etc. When a permanent expropriation is about to take place, the courts will use different methods to determine market value. However, if the government needs the property for a limited time, the calculation of value will be more complicated. In cases of eminent domain, the government states that it needs certain private property to create a public benefit, such as the construction of a new stadium or public park. The government can offer the owner a price that is acceptable to the individual or the individual can initiate an expropriation procedure. This procedure is similar to a lawsuit and it is started by the owner of the property when they do not reach agreement. The owner of the property has the right to be notified of the decision of the government and can submit a reply. As one can see, the Fifth Amendment offers protection to the owner and guarantees that he or she will receive a fair compensation for the expropriation. In some non-usual cases the government will deny the claim that they have taken property from the owner. Therefore, the owner would have to initiate an action, denominated procedure of compensation by expropriation, to demand compensation from the government. This situation might occur in various ways. For example, the government may adopt behavior that destroys the owners ability to use and enjoy his or her land, such as building a rail road along the owners property. As one can see, this action does not involve an expropriation, but will certainly reduce the value of the property, forcing the owner to file a lawsuit to obtain compensation. The necessity to determine the time at which the expropriation occurred is important in the matter of eminent domain. An argument may arise when the government presents a plan that affects the property of a citizen. In other words, when the government makes a public announcement about the possibility of starting a new infrastructure project this could potentially impact the value of private property. Furthermore, the owner might think that this plan will already constitute an indirect expropriation, which will could cause stress and uncertainty about the future. Even though the government can claim that they have not taken away any property at this point, its actions have already affected the value for future transactions, causing undesired consequences. The concept of eminent domain gives the government power to act on behalf of public interest. Unfortunately, in many cases, the government violates property rights without offering a fair compensation. The legal issues involved in th ese matters are complex and the courts have not been entirely coherent in their approach. In conclusion, more than two centuries have passed since the proclamation of the American Constitution. However, the constitutional normative body continues to expand its application and renew its validity. The decisions dictated by the courts, offer a variety of interpretations, not always uniform but with an undeniably value. This academic paper offers a summary on how jurisprudence has constructed the concept of eminent domain regulation. According to the government these regulations have no other purpose than to protect citizens from its own government, while trying to draw clear boundaries to delineate its application. The concept of eminent domain goes beyond a simple theoretical construction, it is a true legal institution that articulates basic concepts of private law such as property and economic freedom, in addition to foundational principles of public law like the common good.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Refuge Camps :: essays research papers

â€Å"Refuge Camps†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is a foreboding and ongoing crisis facing several third world countries today. This crisis is the rising amount of famine and health ailments that affect hundreds of thousands of individuals that face malnutrition, poverty, and several other serious problems that you will find in developing countries. Countless diseases plague today’s world and the people who are most vulnerable to these diseases are also the ones that need the most help. Despite the lack of funds and limited aid available to these people, there is hope. A group by the name of Doctors Without Borders is a non-profit organization that provides free health care in Refugee camps to the great amount of need and helpless individuals that populate our world. Doctors Without Borders (DWB) is comprised of fully qualified and credentialed medical doctors from around the world. They travel internationally educating broad audiences by offering seminars and lectures based on their goal and purpose. The organization is also composed of 2,000 volunteers who are enrolled and sent out annually throughout the world. The organization's main goal is to aid the several million refugees that reside in numerous developing countries. These refugees flee from their countries due to natural disasters, extreme poverty and persecution that infects their home countries. DWB helps these individuals by setting up camps and shelters where they can seek refuge. The camps that DWB setup provide everything needed for survival. They provide clean water and healthy food for all the refugees. Since water and food is limited at the camps, refugees are only provided with minimal supplies for survival. There is a medical station, where they provide all the necessary vaccines and treatments for most illnesses and diseases. The refugees are given identification cards, which they need to show in order to get food and water. The camps are well organized and all the members work together to provide an adequate living environment These are many dangerous diseases that infect third world countries and Refugee camps. Two of these are cholera and malaria. Cholera is a very dangerous disease that affects a lot of the refugees. Cholera is very contagious and about 50% of people infected with the bacteria die. In underdeveloped countries like Africa, diseases are everywhere. Most cholera deaths occur due to poor sanitation. In one incident, in Rwanda, there was an estimated 1000 deaths per day caused by cholera. If caught in time it can be cured.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Alternative Perspectives on Business

I am not sure if the way I felt is common in the society. But I would imagine it would be because of the individualistic mindset that most people have. Even my friends resist help if they can manage it. The parents, the school and other social institutions are helping perpetuate this kind of self-sufficiency and self-reliance. This is perhaps a crucial part of being part of the society. Deep down, I may be afraid to admit that I need help. Perhaps other people feel the same way too. My self-worth is dependent, in part, on my ability to make decisions for myself and do things for myself.If that is taken away from me, then I would feel like I lost my worth. I wanted to air my annoyance to the manager, which I promptly did. I was not really surprised that I acted as such because I am used to acting based on what I think is my right. I also felt like asking the lady directly to desist from following me was a bit rude. So I had to talk to her manager instead. It is so much easier to talk to a superior than to a subordinate. If I talked to the lady, myself, I might have condescended and reprimanded her harshly. I did not want to make a scene so I just talked to the manager.My motives were that I wanted to be discreet while making sure that my experience at the store was not spoiled. I know that I acted in my best interest and also in the interest of the store. If they followed my advice and just let their customers choose what they want while standing there patiently waiting and congenially for anything the customer asks, the sales might be a little better and customers will be happier. I would not have liked to behave otherwise. That would mean just letting go of what I felt was an affront to my shopping experience. I do not like sitting still when I felt that things are not going according to my liking.I was conscious that I was a customer and therefore I deserved the best possible treatment in the store. The mall and the store is designed for the customer to have the best experience in shopping. From the arrangement of products and the colourful promotional items, the customer or shopper is made to feel as if he is at the centre of the mall’s universe. Anything that suggests otherwise would therefore be treated like it was an intrusion into the personal life of the shopper. Managers also are being seen as the keepers of the ranks in the sense that they have the power over their subordinates in helping them do their jobs properly.They can also reprimand employees who do not perform according to the pre-agreed standards of behaviour within the organization. As such, the manager is seen as the ally of the customers in making sure that their shopping experience is protected and ensured. Synthesis There are power relations in almost all social settings. Even in the seemingly business-centred environment of the mall and department stores, there are power relations between and among the owners of the store, the managers, the employees and th e customers who visit the stores (Pred, 1996).While the customers have considerable power by virtue of the money that they will be using in purchasing products and services, the organisation also displays its power in dealing with the customers. The customers have the money and therefore they command the respect of the attendants and the managers in the store. This is also why the store is arranged in such a way that the customers’ shopping experience would be superb. Anything that could disrupt that is met with strict reprimand (Cuthbert, 2003). A store that cannot make a sale is close to being worthless and is on its way to bankruptcy.One thing I noted though is that there are more women on the stores than there are men. Quite probably, the men are working â€Å"behind the scenes† and are tasked with moving large boxes and other things that need to be moved every now and then. I could not rightly say that this is discrimination but perhaps, there is a preferred gende r when it comes to choosing attendants in particular areas of the store. This also opens up a whole new dimension of power relations. The manager I encountered was a middle-aged male who had the look of authority on him (Harding, 2004).While I felt nothing more than a coincidence during the incidence, it now dawned on me that perhaps the power relations within the store are arranged that way so that it would be easier to subdue the attendants for anything that might have been seen or reported as inappropriate behaviour. In addition to this, the customer is, most of the time, given a big deal of power in dealing with the attendants at the store. There are customers who are treated like spoiled brats while there are difficult customers who insist on having their way even in violation of store policy.Stores and malls arrange their space or architecture to maximize the purchasing power of buyers. As such, the products and services are arranged in such a way that customers will be entice d to buy. In exchange of this, customers also exert their power over the attendants and employees of the store so that they get something extra out of the money they will shed out as payment. The attendants, employees and managers also act as safeguards of the interests of the store while at the same time encouraging the customers to buy and spend on the stores. This kind of power relations or network is always at work within the store.What seemed like a simple act of buying something at the mall is actually a complex pattern of relationships involving a number of factors. For example, managers tend to act as guards for the owners of the store as much as for the customers. Most of the time, it is the employees who are caught in the middle. With the concepts I learned in the course, I manage to identify these power relations much more clearly than if I was just using my common sense. Because of my cultural affiliation and the way I treat shopping as a commonplace affair, I have becom e inured to it.The concepts discussed in the course helped me become more critical and draw on various theories in explaining what seems like commonplace behaviour, not only in the malls but in different social settings and situations. Reference Cuthbert, AR (2003). Critical Readings in Urban Design. New York: Blackwell Publishing. Harding, SG (2004). The Feminist Standpoint Theory Reader: Intellectual and Political Controversies. London: Routledge. Pred A, (1996). â€Å"Interfusions: consumption, identity and the practices and power . relations of everyday life† Environment and Planning A 28(1) 11 – 24.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

CSR – Fast Food Industry

Since the late 1960's and early 1970's, the term â€Å"corporate social responsibility† has come into common. The concept of CSR has attracted considerable attention in recent years. However, CSR may have confused many corporations whether CSR brings benefits to the corporations, whether it is worthwhile to contribute organizational resources to CSR. Different studies have brought different answers to those questions. In the following paragraphs, we will briefly discuss whether CSR are necessary and the effectiveness of CSR. As the competitors have started showing they are socially responsible, it becomes necessary for a fast food corporation to consider the need and importance of CSR if it wants to stay at an advantaged position in the fast food industry. As consumers have more choices due to globalization and consider more today, it may be necessary for a corporation to show it is socially responsible to attract consumers. According to Scalet and Kelly (2010), people are demanding CSR, the market incentives are following consumer preferences for CSR activities and the market is producing it. In related to the fast food industry, Schroder and McEachern(2005) ‘s research suggests that â€Å"Most respondents favoured an involvement of global fast-food companies in CSR, whether in the context of providing healthy choices, assuring animal welfare or the sponsoring of community activities. They also suggest that fast-food retailers for example McDonald’s and KFC should emphasize on customer health, food quality and CSR activities in order to maintain and have new customers. On the other hand, some studies argue CSR may not be helpful in developing corporations’ brand and gaining advantages. Nicola (2007) describes â€Å"awareness of CR policies is low† and â€Å"consumers do not act on their beliefs about CR – they will continue to buy brands they know to be irresponsible. Product quality and consumer fairness are more important than CSR in consumers’ mind, most consumers agree corporations should have CSR, but only one-third of them consider CSR when shopping and not more than 4% would really not purchase a product due to the corporation's ethical policy (Peter 2007). John (2006) mentions Milton Friedman, the famous economist, has said â€Å"few trends could so thoroughly undermine the very foundations of our free society as the acceptance by corporate officials of a social responsibility other than to make as much money for their stockholders as possible†. Corporation should not have conscience like a human being as a corporation's nature is to maximize returns to its shareholder without breaching the law. These perspectives supporting the need of CSR show the consumers today choose our products not only depending on the quality of our products and service, but also depending on our contribution to CSR activities. As the whole market is producing it, a corporation has to fulfill the consumer demand of CSR in order to remain competitive. However, it assumes consumers are rational and act like what they think about CSR. In fact, consumers are not always rational and their consuming behavior may not consist with their thought. At the same time, there are some other perspectives showing the corporation contribution to CSR may be useless in gaining advantages. It strongly states that consumers focus much more on the product quality and consumer fairness, rather than CSR. Even the consumers know the corporation is irresponsible, they would still buy its products. It makes CSR seems to be less important than what scholars have described. However, CSR not gaining advantages to the corporation doesn’t mean not gaining advantages to the society. As a responsible corporation, it should have a conscience to keep on committing itself to CSR activities. These perspectives focus too much on what a corporation can gain from a society, but not on what a corporation can give to the society. Only obeying to the law is not enough for a responsible corporation. In conclusion, different perspectives may have certain strengths as well as weaknesses in their arguments. These perspectives supporting CSR provide a clear picture of the necessity of CSR by showing the consumers’ demand for CSR activities and indicating fast food corporations should have more CSR activities to maintain their competitiveness. However, it ignores the fact that consumers are not always rational and they may behave differ from what they think. Those perspectives questioning the effectiveness of CSR place a strong emphasis on that fact that CSR is not consumers' priority and the role of a corporation is to maximum profits. However, it focuses too much on the benefits of the corporation rather than the benefits of the society as it puts the role of corporations in a too utilitarian position. On the whole, although we understand much about CSR through the process of analyzing different claims, it is still hard to have a clear conclusion on those perspectives as obvious contradictory findings do exist and it may need a further research.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Push-Pull Factors that Determine Population Migration

Push-Pull Factors that Determine Population Migration In geographical terms, the push-pull factors are those that drive people away from a place and draw people to a new location. A combination of push-pull factors helps determine migration or immigration of particular populations from one land to another. Push factors are often forceful, demanding that a certain person or group of people leave one country for another, or at least giving that person or people strong reasons to want to move- either because of a threat of violence or loss of financial security. Pull factors, on the other hand, are often the positive aspects of a different country that encourage people to immigrate in order to seek a better life. While it may seem that push and pull factors are diametrically opposed, they both come into play when a population or person is considering migrating to a new location. Push Factors: Reasons to Leave Any number of detrimental factors can be considered push factors, which essentially force a population or person from one country to seek refuge in another, better country. These conditions which drive people to leave their homes can include bullying, a sub-standard level of living, food, land or job scarcity, famine or drought, political or religious persecution, pollution, or even natural disasters. When this happens, it may be difficult to pick and choose a destination: speed is more important than selecting the best option for relocation. Although all push factors dont require a person to leave a country, these conditions that contribute to a person leaving are often so dire that if they do not choose to leave, they will suffer financially, emotionally or physically.  The Great Potato Famine, for example, pushed thousands of Irish families to immigrate to the United States to avoid starvation. Populations with refugee statuses are the among the most affected by push factors in a country or region. Refugee populations are often faced with genocide-like conditions in their country of origin, usually because of authoritarian governments or populations opposed to religious or ethnic groups. For example, Jews leaving Germany during the Nazi era were threatened with violent death if they remained in their home country. Pull Factors: Reasons to Migrate Pull factors are those that help a person or population determine whether relocating to a new country would provide the most benefit. These factors attract populations to a new place largely because of what the country provides that was not available to them in their country of origin. A promise of freedom from religious or political persecution, availability of career opportunities or cheap land, or abundance of food could be considered pull factors for migrating to a new country. In each of these cases, a population will have more opportunity to pursue a better life compared to its home country. Students entering universities or seeking jobs in more developed countries, for example, are likely to receive larger salaries and greater opportunities than in their countries of origin. For some individuals and groups, push and pull factors work together. This is particularly the case when push factors are relatively benign. For example, a young adult who cannot find a lucrative job in her home country may consider immigrating only if the opportunities are significantly better elsewhere.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

12 Crucial Tips to Protect Yourself from Cyberstalking

12 Crucial Tips to Protect Yourself from Cyberstalking If the idea of cyberstalking scares you, thats good. That discomfort is a reminder that you need to be alert and aware on the internet. Staying vigilant offline is important too. Your cell phone, Blackberry, your home call display all of these things can be manipulated by technology. Awareness is one step; action is another. Here are 12 tips that can prevent you from becoming a victim of cyberstalking. They may take a few hours to implement, but the payoff is protection from the hundreds of hours it takes to undo the damage of a cyberstalker. The 12 Tips Never reveal your home address. This rule is especially important for women who are business professionals and very visible. You can use your work address or rent a private mailbox. Just dont have your home address readily available.Password protect all accounts including cell phones, land lines, e-mails, banking and credit cards with a secure password that would be difficult for anyone to guess. Change it every year. Your secret questions should not be easily answered either. Former VP candidate Sarah Palins secret reminder questions were so easy to answer that a cyberstalker was easily able to gain access to her email accounts.Conduct an internet search using your name and phone number.  Be sure that there is nothing out there that you are not aware of. A cyberstalker may have created a craigslist account, web page or blog about you. Only you can stay on top of how your name is being used online.Be suspicious of any incoming emails, telephone calls or texts that ask you for your identifying information. The Caller ID Spoof can mimic your banks caller ID. It is very easy for a cyberstalker posing as a banking representative, utility, credit card representative or your cell phone provider to obtain your personal private information. If you are suspicious,  hang up and call the institution directly to be sure that you were not a target of a cyberstalker. Never give out your Social Security Number unless you are absolutely sure of who is asking for it and why. With your social as they call it in the business, a cyberstalker now has access to every part of your life.Utilize stat counters or other free registry counters that will record all incoming traffic to your blogs and websites. With a stat counter, you can identify who is viewing your site or blog easily because the registry records the IP address, date, time, city, state, and internet service provider. It is useful for marketing and it also provides a very valuable safeguard in the event that your website or blog is targeted.Check your credit report status regularly, especially if youre a business professional or individual who is in the public eye. Do this at least two times per year, especially if you feel that you may have a reason to be concerned. You can request a free copy of your credit once a year directly from the credit bureaus. It is worth the additional cost to pay f or it the second time. Go directly to each bureau; you will not damage your credit rating if you obtain a copy directly from the bureaus. Avoid paying third parties to obtain copies of the report because often the third parties charge more than what the credit bureaus charge and youll end up on another mailing list. If you are leaving a partner, spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend – especially if they are abusive, troubled, angry or difficult – reset every single password on all of your accounts to something they cannot guess. Inform your bank and credit companies that this person is not allowed to make any changes to your accounts no matter what the reason. Even if you are reasonably certain that your former partner is okay, this is a good practice for moving forward on your own. It is also a good idea to get a new cell phone and credit card that the ex doesnt know about. Make these changes before you leave if you can.If you encounter something suspicious – a weird phone call or an emptied account that cant be explained by your bank – it could be a cyberstalker so act accordingly. Change all your accounts, and ideally change banks. Check your credit report. Note anything else that appears strange. If you have more than one or two strange incidents per month, its possib le you are a target.If you think youre a target, have your PC checked by a professional. If you are already experiencing cyberstalking incidents, your computer may already be compromised. Have someone in the know check it for spyware and other viruses. If you think you have a cyberstalker, move fast. Lots of people dont take action because they think theyre crazy or imagining things. Record incidents – time, place, event. Victims of repeated attacks tend to become paralyzed with fear. Meanwhile, cyberstalkers often get such a rush off the first attack that it encourages them to keep going. The faster you take action and block their ability to hurt or harass you, the sooner they lose interest in their project.Get lots of emotional support to handle the cyberstalking period and to deal with the aftermath. It is normal to feel high levels of distrust and paranoia after a cyberstalking encounter. A lot of people will not want to deal with someone with a cyberstalker; it puts them at risk. You may feel isolated and alone. The best thing I did was learn to keep reaching out until I found the brave people who helped me put my life back together. Having support was what got me through but I had to fight for every bit of it. It may seem  backward  that we cant do more to protect ourselves from cyberstalkers. Lawmakers in the US need to grasp the urgency of the situation and pick up the pace if were ever going fight cybercrime with real legislative tools. While we work toward getting laws caught up with the speed of technology, for now, you are a pioneer. Like the Wild West, it’s every man, woman, and  child for themselves when it comes to cyberstalking. So take care of yourselves out there.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Perspective of the Modern World

â€Å"What comes to mind when you hear the phrase, the modern universe? † My encephalon rapidly leapt to that of a functioning economic system. An economic system that leads to the formation of more sophisticated Torahs in which society starts to develop and map about. That made sense to me at the clip, but now when I read that back in print I wonder what the heck I was even believing about. My ideas were centered on the constitution of the U.S. settlements and get downing a new society. I was non even needfully believing about post-revolution U.S. , but instead the beginnings of a new state that was puting the tone for the universe that we know today. It made sense to me that the â€Å"modern world† would necessitate holding the concept of the universe that presently exists, even if it was merely in its babyhood phases. Diging in to that thought though led me to the realisation that the U.S. was far from the first economic system in the universe. In fact, economic system day of the months back good in to the early antediluvian times. I slightly seem to remember larning about early economic system when being taught about Mesopotamia in my secondary instruction old ages. So possibly holding all that exists in the current universe is non necessary for the â€Å"modern† , but instead merely holding that avenue for its growing. If a working economic system was non the driving force of the modern universe, what was? Through the hebdomads of the category we had the chance to discourse at least eight different countries that saw important alteration from about the mid 15th century until the late 20th century. And while there will ever be many lending factors to the development of civilization and society over clip, our modern universe seemed to be launched chiefly from one major influence†¦a alteration in position. Perspective is what allowed the modern universe to get down to develop and would finally take us to what we have today. The Renaissance motion in Italy helped catapult a wholly new mentality of that which was standard in antediluvian and mediaeval times. It was a period in clip where a new position began to originate. The displacement from a God-centered point of view to a man-centered 1 developed a whole new originative manner of nearing political, societal, economic and cultural countries, and brought approximately great alteration in each of them. It marked a gradual displacement from a agriculture focussed society to an urban one, where metropoliss assumed a greater importance than in the past because of trade. It was besides a clip when originative thought and new engineering Lashkar-e-Taiba people comprehend and describe the universe more accurately. Science, doctrine, faith, art, and history combined to make a humanist attack to understanding the universe. Switching off from a society dominated by God-focused thought allowed creative persons and scientists likewise to get down progressing some reasonably extremist constructs. In ancient times the justification for anything that seemed unaccountable was based on a intent that the Gods had put away. The Gods brought the rain, pulled the Sun across the sky, changed the seasons, etc. When the Renaissance brought about a displacement in the manner we thought and saw things, there started to be a more scientific attack in the logical thinking behind the inquiries that were raised. Columbus challenged that the universe was round as opposed to level. Copernicus, pant, stated that the Sun is more likely to be the centre of our solar system and non the Earth. It was forward minds like these gentleman that brought about a alteration in society that would get down taking to a patterned advance of alteration instead than a stale and dead being that had been most outstanding in the clip period merely before the outgrowth of the Renaissance. A displacement in the manner society thought would be the accelerator for transmutation of the universe. Critically of import to this displacement in thought was the innovation of Gutenberg’s publishing imperativeness with movable type, which aided the spread of the Renaissance. Prior to holding the printed word, humanity relied on unwritten conveyance of cognition. Perpetrating information to memory was critical to successful life. The passage to books may hold damned memory as was one time known, but it besides provided chances to a turning displacement in idea to the multitudes. Printed books became more readily available and people learned to read and derive entree to a wide scope of cognition. As printing imperativenesss were established in Italy and other parts of Europe, printed books exposed educated Europeans to new thoughts and new topographic points. The add-on of printed plants, made available to the multitudes, added a more finite being to the constructs being fed to the populace. Opinions and ideas on social things were now being published for anyone with the ability to read to devour. Changing positions had a new friend that would assist present them to more people across the Earth, motivating quicker and more efficient transmutation. The general populace now had entree to the ideas of people like Martin Luther thanks in big portion to the printing imperativeness. This sort of handiness to positions such as Luther’s led to legion persons oppugning the current being of established establishments such as faith and authorities. In many ways the printed word helped launch positions to people that may hold been less prone to hearing those same constructs by word of oral cavity. These ideas were now able to be readily accessed by many, fostering an development of thought and construct that would alter the class of social development. Monarchial foundations would get down to be questioned as displacements in position led manner to an epoch of enlightenment. Past traditions and undisputed religion would be challenged by philosophers like Bacon, Locke, and Voltaire. Debating thoughts about authorities and single rights finally led to dispute of traditional regulation. Ultimately a path was paved for rebellion, most notably with the American and Gallic revolutions. Timess were switching from authorities of a supreme swayer to that of a way for single privileges. It makes perfect sense that when freedom comes from that which has kept us down, it is clip to get down to spread out and come on in efficiency. Emancipating ourselves from old traditions allows us to travel frontward and to boom more creatively. This is what the industrial revolution was to me. It was a clip following the separation of traditional authorities in which we could now develop ourselves and challenge ourselves in engineerings. Science and engineering progressed at such a rapid gait and new inventions were doing growing non merely feasible but at hand. Steam engines led to go and efficiency in machinery. Advanced fabrication procedures were made available because of growing in machining tools. It is a spot phantasmagoric to believe of the monumental displacements in industry from the late 18th century to mid 20th century. However, when you start to believe of how displacements in position and ways of idea can impact a civilization so rapidly, the concatenation reaction of development seems a small less incredible. It is still astonishing, but credible. Probably my favourite epoch that we had the chance to reflect upon and discuss was that in response to the industrial revolution, the romantic period. Puting accent on emotions and promoting art, literature, and music to new degrees was the halfway phase of this epoch. Switching from modern worlds, the romantic age stressed utilizing imaginativeness to visualise an flight. Poets like Keats, Shelley, and Lord Byron provided a more facile usage of linguistic communication that brought about power and beauty to the mundane. Romantic art centres more on the unmanageable, unpredictable nature as opposed to the controlled order seen in the enlightenment period. Romanticism was and still is all about experiencing no affair what the topic. There is no uncertainty that the promotions we have been able to analyze dating back to the Renaissance have come about quick, comparatively talking. The fact that we have seen geographic expeditions to new lands, freedoms won over oppressors, people able to wing, atomic arms created all in a small over five hundred old ages is mind blowing to state the least. To believe that merely about five centuries ago our universe was still perceived to be the centre of the existence and a level land. No uncertainty about it that a displacement in position was required to convey about a concatenation reaction of alteration. Challenging old thoughts and puting out to turn out new 1s is no original construct. The cardinal difference that enabled the point of view displacements in the Renaissance period to alter the class of our universe was the ability to acquire those new ideas in to the custodies of the multitudes. I wouldn’t needfully travel so far as to state that Gutenberg singlehandedly altered our class by his innovation. But he surely played a major portion in acquiring that class apparatus so that the driving force of disputing idea and position had a topographic point to travel. Once the class of the printed word was set, original positions were now able to travel frontward and convey about inquiries that institute planetary alteration. It about seems that now we have entered in to a period where we have become complacent with where we are. At least from a engineering point of view. Possibly there isn’t much more to contrive or alter. Possibly. I tend to believe that’s far from the truth nevertheless, and hopefully there’s a whole batch more philosophers on the skyline that will go on disputing and forcing us to the following epoch. It’s a good thing to acquire a alteration in position from clip to clip. A Perspective of the Modern World â€Å"What comes to mind when you hear the phrase, the modern universe? † My encephalon rapidly leapt to that of a functioning economic system. An economic system that leads to the formation of more sophisticated Torahs in which society starts to develop and map about. That made sense to me at the clip, but now when I read that back in print I wonder what the heck I was even believing about. My ideas were centered on the constitution of the U.S. settlements and get downing a new society. I was non even needfully believing about post-revolution U.S. , but instead the beginnings of a new state that was puting the tone for the universe that we know today. It made sense to me that the â€Å"modern world† would necessitate holding the concept of the universe that presently exists, even if it was merely in its babyhood phases. Diging in to that thought though led me to the realisation that the U.S. was far from the first economic system in the universe. In fact, economic system day of the months back good in to the early antediluvian times. I slightly seem to remember larning about early economic system when being taught about Mesopotamia in my secondary instruction old ages. So possibly holding all that exists in the current universe is non necessary for the â€Å"modern† , but instead merely holding that avenue for its growing. If a working economic system was non the driving force of the modern universe, what was? Through the hebdomads of the category we had the chance to discourse at least eight different countries that saw important alteration from about the mid 15th century until the late 20th century. And while there will ever be many lending factors to the development of civilization and society over clip, our modern universe seemed to be launched chiefly from one major influence†¦a alteration in position. Perspective is what allowed the modern universe to get down to develop and would finally take us to what we have today. The Renaissance motion in Italy helped catapult a wholly new mentality of that which was standard in antediluvian and mediaeval times. It was a period in clip where a new position began to originate. The displacement from a God-centered point of view to a man-centered 1 developed a whole new originative manner of nearing political, societal, economic and cultural countries, and brought approximately great alteration in each of them. It marked a gradual displacement from a agriculture focussed society to an urban one, where metropoliss assumed a greater importance than in the past because of trade. It was besides a clip when originative thought and new engineering Lashkar-e-Taiba people comprehend and describe the universe more accurately. Science, doctrine, faith, art, and history combined to make a humanist attack to understanding the universe. Switching off from a society dominated by God-focused thought allowed creative persons and scientists likewise to get down progressing some reasonably extremist constructs. In ancient times the justification for anything that seemed unaccountable was based on a intent that the Gods had put away. The Gods brought the rain, pulled the Sun across the sky, changed the seasons, etc. When the Renaissance brought about a displacement in the manner we thought and saw things, there started to be a more scientific attack in the logical thinking behind the inquiries that were raised. Columbus challenged that the universe was round as opposed to level. Copernicus, pant, stated that the Sun is more likely to be the centre of our solar system and non the Earth. It was forward minds like these gentleman that brought about a alteration in society that would get down taking to a patterned advance of alteration instead than a stale and dead being that had been most outstanding in the clip period merely before the outgrowth of the Renaissance. A displacement in the manner society thought would be the accelerator for transmutation of the universe. Critically of import to this displacement in thought was the innovation of Gutenberg’s publishing imperativeness with movable type, which aided the spread of the Renaissance. Prior to holding the printed word, humanity relied on unwritten conveyance of cognition. Perpetrating information to memory was critical to successful life. The passage to books may hold damned memory as was one time known, but it besides provided chances to a turning displacement in idea to the multitudes. Printed books became more readily available and people learned to read and derive entree to a wide scope of cognition. As printing imperativenesss were established in Italy and other parts of Europe, printed books exposed educated Europeans to new thoughts and new topographic points. The add-on of printed plants, made available to the multitudes, added a more finite being to the constructs being fed to the populace. Opinions and ideas on social things were now being published for anyone with the ability to read to devour. Changing positions had a new friend that would assist present them to more people across the Earth, motivating quicker and more efficient transmutation. The general populace now had entree to the ideas of people like Martin Luther thanks in big portion to the printing imperativeness. This sort of handiness to positions such as Luther’s led to legion persons oppugning the current being of established establishments such as faith and authorities. In many ways the printed word helped launch positions to people that may hold been less prone to hearing those same constructs by word of oral cavity. These ideas were now able to be readily accessed by many, fostering an development of thought and construct that would alter the class of social development. Monarchial foundations would get down to be questioned as displacements in position led manner to an epoch of enlightenment. Past traditions and undisputed religion would be challenged by philosophers like Bacon, Locke, and Voltaire. Debating thoughts about authorities and single rights finally led to dispute of traditional regulation. Ultimately a path was paved for rebellion, most notably with the American and Gallic revolutions. Timess were switching from authorities of a supreme swayer to that of a way for single privileges. It makes perfect sense that when freedom comes from that which has kept us down, it is clip to get down to spread out and come on in efficiency. Emancipating ourselves from old traditions allows us to travel frontward and to boom more creatively. This is what the industrial revolution was to me. It was a clip following the separation of traditional authorities in which we could now develop ourselves and challenge ourselves in engineerings. Science and engineering progressed at such a rapid gait and new inventions were doing growing non merely feasible but at hand. Steam engines led to go and efficiency in machinery. Advanced fabrication procedures were made available because of growing in machining tools. It is a spot phantasmagoric to believe of the monumental displacements in industry from the late 18th century to mid 20th century. However, when you start to believe of how displacements in position and ways of idea can impact a civilization so rapidly, the concatenation reaction of development seems a small less incredible. It is still astonishing, but credible. Probably my favourite epoch that we had the chance to reflect upon and discuss was that in response to the industrial revolution, the romantic period. Puting accent on emotions and promoting art, literature, and music to new degrees was the halfway phase of this epoch. Switching from modern worlds, the romantic age stressed utilizing imaginativeness to visualise an flight. Poets like Keats, Shelley, and Lord Byron provided a more facile usage of linguistic communication that brought about power and beauty to the mundane. Romantic art centres more on the unmanageable, unpredictable nature as opposed to the controlled order seen in the enlightenment period. Romanticism was and still is all about experiencing no affair what the topic. There is no uncertainty that the promotions we have been able to analyze dating back to the Renaissance have come about quick, comparatively talking. The fact that we have seen geographic expeditions to new lands, freedoms won over oppressors, people able to wing, atomic arms created all in a small over five hundred old ages is mind blowing to state the least. To believe that merely about five centuries ago our universe was still perceived to be the centre of the existence and a level land. No uncertainty about it that a displacement in position was required to convey about a concatenation reaction of alteration. Challenging old thoughts and puting out to turn out new 1s is no original construct. The cardinal difference that enabled the point of view displacements in the Renaissance period to alter the class of our universe was the ability to acquire those new ideas in to the custodies of the multitudes. I wouldn’t needfully travel so far as to state that Gutenberg singlehandedly altered our class by his innovation. But he surely played a major portion in acquiring that class apparatus so that the driving force of disputing idea and position had a topographic point to travel. Once the class of the printed word was set, original positions were now able to travel frontward and convey about inquiries that institute planetary alteration. It about seems that now we have entered in to a period where we have become complacent with where we are. At least from a engineering point of view. Possibly there isn’t much more to contrive or alter. Possibly. I tend to believe that’s far from the truth nevertheless, and hopefully there’s a whole batch more philosophers on the skyline that will go on disputing and forcing us to the following epoch. It’s a good thing to acquire a alteration in position from clip to clip.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Global Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Global Strategic Management - Essay Example The other crucial things like stakeholders and their role has been briefly discussed. A new business is exposed to vulnerabilities and therefore the various contingencies that the newly formed company can face have also been discussed. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Table of Contents 3 Introduction 5 Stakeholder consultation and participation 6 Critical Assumptions 7 Vision & Mission 7 Environmental Analysis (PEST) and drivers of future change 9 PEST Analysis 9 7S Framework 10 Structure 11 Strategy 12 Systems 15 Style 15 Staff 16 Skills 16 Shared Values 16 SWOT Analysis 16 Strategic goals and objectives 17 Resourcing 18 Implementation Framework and challenges- Ansoff Matrix 18 Evaluation and Control 20 Performance Management System- 20 Timeframe and Contingencies 21 Conclusion 23 Appendix 24 Reference 25 Bibliography 27 Introduction The project presents a strategic management report for a company to be set up in the UK market. The primary objective is to provide a report for a private equity firm for providing venture capital for the company to set up operations in UK. The company would be established in the retail market in UK which has been showing strong prospects very recently. This is primarily because the market is less flooded with large retailers. The project presents the analysis of the market and designs a complete management strategy for the company that would be established. It outlines the criteria against which the stakeholders’ participation would be secured. It presents the vision and mission statements of the company and makes analysis of the environment using PEST. The resource implications arising from the analysis has been presented in the project. The global drivers of change that might influence the company have been presented also. Finally, a performance management system has been designed for to evaluate and control the progress of activities. Stakeholder consultation and participation The company to be launched will be a p rivately held entity. Therefore, the shares of the company will remain in the hands of selected individuals. The main stakeholders of the company are expected to be shareholders, suppliers and the private equity firm. In a privately held company the shares remain in the hands of selected group of individuals. The main advantage of a privately held company is that ownership vests in the hands of few people thereby facilitating fast approval of crucial business decisions. This is a good feature as the management decisions can be carried out fast without any impending approvals. The shareholders of the company though few in number enjoy rights relating to voting. The directors of the company will be elected from this group of shareholders. The private equity firm can also place its member in the company Board. The directors of the company will take up various responsibilities relating to marketing, finance and other important matters. As the directors of the company are also the owners this will help in avoiding any ‘conflict of interest’. The suppliers of the company also form one of its stakeholders. The company can acquire goods on credit from this group of suppliers. Therefore they too have a stake in the company. However they will not enjoy any say in the company affairs. Initially the company may not be able to attract funds from the banks and financial institutions. Eventually with

Market Segmentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Market Segmentation - Essay Example Lastly, the company seeks for a unique marketing segment that is not being practised by their competitors. This plays a big role in enabling companies to achieve a high market share, thus generating a comfort factor since the buyers will see it as a market leader. Through this, most business entities are able to better their competitive positions and satisfy their customer needs (Burrows, 2010). For an adequate marketing strategy to take place, a manager has to determine and identify the boundaries within the market and with the help of a business plan, develop a clear definition of a business to be in operation. Then, the manager should get enough knowledge and all the relevant information about the goods and services provided by the competitors in relation to the basic requirements of the customers in the market. The company, therefore, would determine the methodology and variables to use in dividing its market into subsets. Research tools are introduced in the process of collectin g and analysing data with the purposes of identifying a homogenous segment which, at the same time, is heterogeneous to the other segments. Basing on the consumers’ behaviour, a company selects the variables that will assist it in creating a detailed profile of each distinct segment (Burrows, 2010). Then the marketing manager looks for the potential customer with needs and wants that require being satisfied in respect to the business they had identified in the previous steps. Finally a product and market plan is developed to make an appeal to a specific market segment. All these combined together will attract a customer to purchase a particular product that will satisfy his or her needs and wants. Market segmentation is considered as a decision making tool for most of the marketing managers in the selection of a target market for their goods and services. Product differentiation techniques have frustrated companies’ expectations since they were purposed to provide a va riety of products rather than offering different segments, therefore leading most of the companies to embrace the segmentation. Marketing managers use segmentation in defining the market, i.e. they are able to perceive their market from a consumer’s point of view rather than a manufacturer’s. Managers gain the knowledge and ability to rationalise policies for available commodities so that they can outshine their competitors by protecting their products from any competitive practice and also work towards achieving a high market share. They harmonise the different segments in a company by catering for the segments that are perceived to be more important, and minimising the competition between the goods and services within a company. This simply means that managers rely on the segmentation process to position ranges of their existing products (Croft, 1994). Since not all existing products can satisfy the needs of each segment, the managers identify the gaps and take an in itiative of launching a brand new or an already available commodity to solve the shortcoming. Companies with small distribution channels use segmentation to sell their goods and services in specific parts of a country. A marketing manager uses the GNP per capita and different behaviours of the customers in the area of concern to determine the marketing strategy to be used in meeting their needs. Demographic variable in market segmentation explains


ARE MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES FULLY MEETING THE NEEDS OF SERVICE USERS WITH DUAL DIAGNOSIS ILLICIT SUBSTANCE MISUSE AND SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS - Essay Example However, in order to implement this framework in practice, the mental health professionals must be educated and trained suitably enough to be first aware of such conditions so they in turn can raise awareness of the clients in order to motivate them better. Substance misuse and addictive behaviour are very common and are regarded as a major public health problem in the United Kingdom. Dual diagnoses of substance abuse and mental disorders are among the most prevalent mental disorders worldwide. The mental disorders comprise mostly of schizophrenia, affective, anxiety, personality, or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Research has shown that they place enormous burden on individuals and society and hence the nation (Copello, Graham, & Birchwood, 2001, 585-587). The common co-occurrence of psychiatric disorders with alcohol and drug use disorders is well recognized. The reasons for co-occurrence, the best methods to differentiate substance abuse from psychiatric syndromes, and the best treatments for comorbidity remain open research questions. There is now an emerging consensus that when the clinical picture is limited to a single disorder, there are chances of fewer complications (Drake & Wallach, 2000, 1126-1129). Along with th at, it has been acknowledged that comorbid psychiatric and substance abuse disorders present problems. Research again has demonstrated that co-occurring mental and substance use disorders are associated with problems among users, dependence among problem users, with severity and persistence of both mental and alcohol-drug disorders, poor health and failed treatment attempts, with violence, incarceration, and poverty (Essock et al, 2001, 469-476). Therefore, it would be pertinent to investigate or to find evidence whether these available mental health services are adequate enough to meet the growing needs of these individuals with dual diagnosis. In this review article, a systemic review has been proposed to be undertaken within a methodological framework, so the evidence may be culled in order to substantiate the focus question and rationale to conduct this review. Focus Question Are mental health services fully meeting the needs of service users with dual diagnosis, illicit substance misuse and serious mental illness Rationale The problems of dual diagnosis are further compounded by the fact that clients with a dual diagnosis are difficult to assess because they are not a homogenous group. In addition, these clients often are poor historians and are noncompliant during the assessment process. Individuals with dual diagnosis often have complex and multiple needs that are difficult to assess in a comprehensive manner. There are indeed barriers to care for this population, which are significant and multidimensional. Services available for these individuals are absent, inadequate, and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Marketing Management at Kelloggs Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Marketing Management at Kelloggs Company - Essay Example That’s why Kellogg makes sure that her products are of high quality and also likable to the customers. Marketing has constantly been seeking those points that customers are easily influenced. For decades, these points have been regarded through the allegory of a â€Å"funnel†Ã¢â‚¬â€ customers start with a variety of prospective brands at the funnel’s wide end. Marketing activities are then embarked on so as the customers reduce the number of brands to one of their choice. Each day, individuals form intuitions of products from â€Å"touch† points such as product experiences, advertisements, among others. However, the exposure may appear wasted unless active shopping is witnessed from the consumers. All in all, when the impulse to buy is triggered the initial-consideration set is shaped The initial-consideration set is methodically narrowed, as proposed by funnel correlation, when the customers think about the available options, make judgment, and acquire products. Subsequently, the post sale stage turns into a trial era that determines customer loyalty and the possibility of purchasing the product for the second time. Pushing marketing towards the customers at every phase of the funnel progression has been the goal of every marketer. This is in an attempt to persuade their buying behaviour (Porter 1998). Earlier on, companies used to drive marketing by pushing on customers through direct marketing, traditional advertising, and other channels. At each stage in the funnel, as customers carved down their brand alternatives, marketers would try to influence their decisions. This inexact approach habitually failed to reach the consumer effectively. Making long term and continued relationships with the customer is refereed to as relationship marketing. Kellogg’s should take the opportunity of converting the sales of Coco Pops Choc N Roll Cereal into productive (long-tem) relationship

Germany 1789-1900 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Germany 1789-1900 - Research Paper Example Despite the endowment, a rift between the high class and lower class prevailed leading to divergence, apparent contradiction, and violent collision of thoughts. The contest for recognition and right of control promulgated a series of unconnected struggles hence the birth of movements including the German confederation. The paper is a discussion on the different revolutionary and independence movements from 1789 to 1900 In the mid nineteenth century, cultural, social and economic tensions rose between Germany and other parts of Europe. The shear problems had reached a crisis stage and each section was looking for backdoor solutions that favour their interest. Undeniably, political reality was fast becoming unavoidable; however, the industrial revolution worsened the situation (Meuschel 21). The industrial revolution brought a series of signs, as the democratic changes threatened the survival of existing government, a factor that needed further scrutiny. Several democratic principles including independence of the judiciary, press freedom and representation in the legislature was fast becoming a problem (GÃ ¶rner 61). With the promises coming and going an acceleration of liberal movements gained stage. From January-February 1848, a revolt in Paris led to overturn of King Louis Philip, a situation that triggered Germany to explode. It began with an uprising from peasant revolts in the Baden and Bavar ia. Notably, the wavelike revolution spread down to Rhine land and ultimately to military head of Prussia (Berlin). At this point, it started becoming a problem putting pressure on the ruling government. Being so strong, many monarchs agreed to installation of basic democratic requirements (Peterson 46). In response, the intellectual fathers and leaders of the revolution met in Heidelberg, to ensure fruits from the revolution land in the right hands. A follow-up meeting in Frankfurt led to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


ARE MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES FULLY MEETING THE NEEDS OF SERVICE USERS WITH DUAL DIAGNOSIS ILLICIT SUBSTANCE MISUSE AND SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS - Essay Example However, in order to implement this framework in practice, the mental health professionals must be educated and trained suitably enough to be first aware of such conditions so they in turn can raise awareness of the clients in order to motivate them better. Substance misuse and addictive behaviour are very common and are regarded as a major public health problem in the United Kingdom. Dual diagnoses of substance abuse and mental disorders are among the most prevalent mental disorders worldwide. The mental disorders comprise mostly of schizophrenia, affective, anxiety, personality, or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Research has shown that they place enormous burden on individuals and society and hence the nation (Copello, Graham, & Birchwood, 2001, 585-587). The common co-occurrence of psychiatric disorders with alcohol and drug use disorders is well recognized. The reasons for co-occurrence, the best methods to differentiate substance abuse from psychiatric syndromes, and the best treatments for comorbidity remain open research questions. There is now an emerging consensus that when the clinical picture is limited to a single disorder, there are chances of fewer complications (Drake & Wallach, 2000, 1126-1129). Along with th at, it has been acknowledged that comorbid psychiatric and substance abuse disorders present problems. Research again has demonstrated that co-occurring mental and substance use disorders are associated with problems among users, dependence among problem users, with severity and persistence of both mental and alcohol-drug disorders, poor health and failed treatment attempts, with violence, incarceration, and poverty (Essock et al, 2001, 469-476). Therefore, it would be pertinent to investigate or to find evidence whether these available mental health services are adequate enough to meet the growing needs of these individuals with dual diagnosis. In this review article, a systemic review has been proposed to be undertaken within a methodological framework, so the evidence may be culled in order to substantiate the focus question and rationale to conduct this review. Focus Question Are mental health services fully meeting the needs of service users with dual diagnosis, illicit substance misuse and serious mental illness Rationale The problems of dual diagnosis are further compounded by the fact that clients with a dual diagnosis are difficult to assess because they are not a homogenous group. In addition, these clients often are poor historians and are noncompliant during the assessment process. Individuals with dual diagnosis often have complex and multiple needs that are difficult to assess in a comprehensive manner. There are indeed barriers to care for this population, which are significant and multidimensional. Services available for these individuals are absent, inadequate, and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Germany 1789-1900 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Germany 1789-1900 - Research Paper Example Despite the endowment, a rift between the high class and lower class prevailed leading to divergence, apparent contradiction, and violent collision of thoughts. The contest for recognition and right of control promulgated a series of unconnected struggles hence the birth of movements including the German confederation. The paper is a discussion on the different revolutionary and independence movements from 1789 to 1900 In the mid nineteenth century, cultural, social and economic tensions rose between Germany and other parts of Europe. The shear problems had reached a crisis stage and each section was looking for backdoor solutions that favour their interest. Undeniably, political reality was fast becoming unavoidable; however, the industrial revolution worsened the situation (Meuschel 21). The industrial revolution brought a series of signs, as the democratic changes threatened the survival of existing government, a factor that needed further scrutiny. Several democratic principles including independence of the judiciary, press freedom and representation in the legislature was fast becoming a problem (GÃ ¶rner 61). With the promises coming and going an acceleration of liberal movements gained stage. From January-February 1848, a revolt in Paris led to overturn of King Louis Philip, a situation that triggered Germany to explode. It began with an uprising from peasant revolts in the Baden and Bavar ia. Notably, the wavelike revolution spread down to Rhine land and ultimately to military head of Prussia (Berlin). At this point, it started becoming a problem putting pressure on the ruling government. Being so strong, many monarchs agreed to installation of basic democratic requirements (Peterson 46). In response, the intellectual fathers and leaders of the revolution met in Heidelberg, to ensure fruits from the revolution land in the right hands. A follow-up meeting in Frankfurt led to

Reflection on the Character of Luke Skywalker Essay Example for Free

Reflection on the Character of Luke Skywalker Essay Luke Skywalkers character is a classic example of mans constant battle of good and evil—not to be simply put as the battle of the good versus the evil—but the choice to be good or evil. He outwardly struggles to find his place and role in the society even as he struggles inwardly to understand his own nature. As Yoda and Obi-Wan explained to him, Luke must confront and go beyond the dark side to be a Jedi. He is confronted with facing Darth Vader, who he has just learned to be Anakin Skywalker—his father, and in whom Luke believes still has good in him and who he says he could not kill. He was also confronted with troubles that has shaped him into the peson he chose to be. Vader has been a Jedi once, turned to the dark side of the Force because he could not accept the death of his loved ones—first of his mother, then of his intuition that had foretold the death of his wife, Amidala. During their fight, he tried to convince his son that turning to the dark side was the only way Luke could save his friends. Luke was like his father, reckless in his actions and impatient in his youth. But as he matured, he learned the true path of the Force, with the guidance of Yoda and Obi-Wan. Like his father before him, he, too, was troubled with death and suffering. Yoda, sensing death coming to him, explains to Luke: â€Å"Strong am I with the Force, but not that strong. Twilight is upon me and soon night must fall. That is the way of things, the way of the Force.† Inevitably at Endor, Luke has come to confront his father, not with the intention of fighting him as before, but to convince him to turn back to the good side. His attempts turns out to be futile. He further exhibits his maturity from being reckless and impatient by restraining himself when given the chance to strike at the Emperor. However, the Emperor seduces Lukes hatred and anger to attack him. Luke is tormented but still restrains himself until finally his rage erupted and attacked the Emperor. Darth Vader responded in defense of his master and Luke ends up fighting with his father. Luke realized that the Emperor was using his rage to turn him to the dark side of the Force. He has defeated Vader, not out of some personal, revenge-driven desire, but in order to protect someone he loves—Vader has treathened Lukes newly found twin sister Leia. As he looked down on his father with pity and understanding, he realized that he, too, has the potential to turn to the dark side. He threw away his lightsaber in his firm belief that he could still save his fathers soul and save himself from the path of the dark side by not killing Vader. By doing so, he has rejected evil in himself and submits himself to the will of the Force. As Yoda explained to him: â€Å"A jedis strenght flows from the Force. But beware. Anger, fear, agression, the dark side are they. Once you start down the dark path forever will it dominate your destiny.† He has faced his own fears and defeated them, evidenced by his reply to the Emperors offer to take his fathers place at his side: â€Å"Never. Ill never turn to the dark side I am a Jedi, like my father before me.† He has set an example that evil does not come naturally from the troubles that we are faced with, and that being good or evil is a matter of choice.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Interplay Of Structural Social Work Essay

The Interplay Of Structural Social Work Essay Social work practice seeks to promote human well-being and to redress human suffering and injusticeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..Such practice maintains a particular concern for those who are most excluded from social, economic or cultural processes and structuresà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.Consequently, social work practice is a political activity and tensions between rights to care and control and self-determination are very much a professional concern(OConnor et al, 2006, p.1) The Brown family case study will be referred to throughout the essay in an attempt to explore and discuss the lived experiences of service users. With such an array of difficulties faced by the family, in order to be able to provide analysis and critique, many of these difficulties and their correlation within social work practice will not be explored. The essay will begin with examining the political background from Margaret Thatcher to the current Coalition government and emphasize their continued functionalist ideologies. It will also discuss sociological constructions of the family, poverty, power, and managerialism. The prolific cases of the deaths of Victoria Climbià © and Baby P led to such media scrutiny and a downward turn in public perception of social workers. As a result, this has led to changes in social work practice with children and families. Due to the current austerity measures, social workers gatekeeping of resources and having to meet stringent thresholds often result in limitations being put on families and creating what à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..describes as a revolving door syndrome. The Brown case study refers to there being intermittent involvement from social services over several years, which supports the suggestion of a revolving door syndrome. Although the case study is not explicit, I think it would be safe to assume that issues faced by the Brown family may have suggested that they meet the section 47 threshold set out in the Children Act which would have triggered social work involvement with the family. However, if the involvement has been intermittent, this would suggest that once significant risk had diminished the involvement with the family was stopped which suggest risk led practice was employed rather than a needs led (Axford, 2010). Munros recent review of child protection (2011) included 15 recommendations. There is not scope to discuss each recommendation but she urges the government to accept that there will inevitably be an element of uncertainty, to allow professionals to have a greater freedom to use their professional judgement and expertise, and to reduce bureaucracy. The response from government is to accept 9 out of the 15 recommendations (DfE, 2011) Poverty The case study highlights that the Brown family are dependent on welfare benefits and that they find it difficult to manage their finances. Therefore, they are essentially living in poverty. Poverty can be described as a complex occurrence that can be caused by a range of issues which can result in inadequate resources. It impacts on childhoods, life chances and imposes costs on society Child poverty costs the UK at least  £25 billion a year, (equivalent to 2% of GDP) including  £17 billion that could accrue to the Exchequer if child poverty were eradicated. Public spending to deal with the fallout of child poverty is about  £12 billion a year, about 60% of which goes on personal social services, school education and police and criminal justice. (Hirsch, 2008: Joseph Rowntree Foundation,p.5) Cross national studies have suggested that child poverty is not a natural occurrence. Moreover it is a political occurrence, the product of decisions and actions made by the government and society. Attention concerning a dependency culture has filtered through different political parties and have been utilised with renewed enthusiasm since the formation of the coalition government in 2010. These assertions of dependency create propaganda about the attitudes of the workless and they give the wrong impression of the previous efforts of the Labour government to tackle child poverty who focus was to direct increased welfare payments towards those people who are working in low paid jobs. The coalition is currently reducing benefit payments to families in work. As a result of these cuts, many children will evidently be thrust back into child poverty (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). A possible contention is that the coalition government argue that they seek to treat the symptoms of poverty, rather than the causes. However, their analyses of the causes are at best partial or incomplete. While in-work poverty is acknowledged, it is often buried beneath the rhetoric of welfare dependency (ESRC, 2011). The suggestion that previous methods to tackle child poverty have inevitably robbed people of their own responsibility and therefore led them to become dependent on the welfare state that simply hands out cash is absurd (Minujin Nandy, 2012). Work is frequently referred to as the favoured route out of poverty. Although the government have introduced numerous policies to make work pay there are countless families that still do not earn enough money to attempt to lift their family out of poverty (Barnardos, 2009). More than half of all children currently living in poverty have a parent in paid work (DWP, 2009). The Brown family have both parents out of work, with Anne having never been in paid work and Craig struggling to find regular employment since leaving the Army 8 years ago. Both parents have literacy difficulties and so require a complex package of support to enable them to improve their life chances of gaining employment that pays above the minimum wage in order for their family to no longer be living in poverty. According to the code of practice (HCPC, 2012) social workers are required toà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ As mentioned previously, successive Neo Liberal governments uphold a functionalist ideology that frequently locates poverty in terms of personal responsibility and deficits. Managerialism As mentioned previously, services have changes over the past 20 years and this can be explained by the emergence of a managerial approach to how services are being delivered. Intrinsically, managerialism is a basic set of ideas that transpired from the New Right criticisms of welfare and is founded on the notion that public services need to be managed in the same way as profit-making organisations (Harris Unwin, 2009). In the UK there has been a rise in managerialism which can often lead to weakening the role and autonomy of social work practice. In the pursuit of becoming accountable and impartial, managers are attempting to control or prescribe practice in increasing detail which inexorably leads to reducing the opportunity for practitioners to implement individual reasoning. As a result, this leads to policies that represent rules that can often be described as inept and insensitive for the service user. Therefore, the tussle between the managerial and the professional control in social work practice is often a contested issue (Munro, 2008). As managerialism takes more control, then a shift towards defensive practice develops which results in procedures that are insensitive to the needs of families. In essence, the professional role of a social worker can be progressively reduced to a bureaucrat with no possibility for expertise or personalised responses In addition, a managerial approach causes conflict, as it emphasises the need for targets that will assess performance and the delivery of services (Brotherton et al, 20120). Furthermore, there is a correlation with an apparent distrust or autonomy of professionals. This has led to an upsurge in scrutiny by a variety of inspection bodies such as Ofsted and this has been extremely significant in the area of child protection following the high-profile cases of the deaths of Victoria Climbià © and Peter Connolly.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Process Essay - Preparing Dinner for the In-laws -- Expository Process

Preparing Dinner for the In-laws We have all had those dinners with our in-laws, or in-laws to be, that we detest. The following steps will ensure that the in-laws never accept another invitation to dinner at your house. Please understand, the invitation must still be extended, as that is a spouse's duty; however, they will not accept the invitation again. In preparation for the evening, there are several crucial steps. For the process to be effective, some research may be involved. Start by gathering as much information as you can about your in-laws likes and dislikes; focus on the dislikes is crucial, and be certain to exclude anything on the list of likes. Schedule the dinner on a day that will allow for several hours of preparation. First, It is a good idea...